We have a news intro with bed as one complete audio file and have placed a wait for time marker at 00:59:50:00 which works fine on starting the cart at the correct time however we have placed another wait for time marker into the beginning of the next hour at 00:02:15:00 as this is when the news bed and out tag finish. The reason I feel this isn't right is because the news intro and bed file are technically in the previous hour to stat at 00:59:50:00 it seems to mess up the next hours "total music time" for example I thought that if you placed a wait for time marker at the beginning of the next hour set for say 02:15 past the hour and had a total music time of 60 minutes then I was expecting the total music time to adjust to 62+ minutes with the time marker included into the said hour if this makes sense. I have attached a screen grab to show what we have done and if its right or wrong, this is a test clock so there are no hardware events on yet, thanks.