I have uninstalled 'Auto Importer', deleted the registry keys, reinstalled. This time a configuration screen for the SQL connection was available. I typed the SERVER\Instance as this wasn't shown in the available connection, even though I was on the server, this connected to Myrad4Data and looked to be working. Upon closing the application and reopening its now looking for a different instance name, not what I typed. I have checked the registry keys and this shows SERVER\SQLExpress, this doesn't even exist on my server, it's also showing the wrong version of SQL, I'm using 11 (SQL 2012STD).
I would assume from the above this is a bug. At this moment in time with my configuration I'm unable to use 'Auto Importer'. I am more than happy for someone to take a look, please let me know if you require any support files, screenshots etc...
Many thanks Shane