yes we still do interface with the "Joystick" ports - these are as you correctly say are only for the remote starts from the mixer.
The "trouble" with the Air2000, is that our pulse output is too quick for the channel if you are wanting Myriad to turn the channel on and off, so you need to have 2 output cables wired to the channel you want to control (for arguments sake, IRN Channel).
You need to wire to the ON and the OFF buttons, and this is the sequence you need (using IRN Switching as an example):
Wait for time mm:ss:hh Activate Hardware (nn) - Turns ON Button On, allowing IRN audio to feed thru the channel. Cart (nn) - You need a small silence cart of .5seconds Deactivate Hardware (nn) - Turns ON Button Off - because you can't turn the Off button ON, if the On button is still on. Hour Start Wait for time mm:ss:hh Activate Hardware (nn) - Turns OFF Button On stopping IRN audio feeding thru the channel.. Cart (nn) - You need a small silence cart of .5seconds Deactivate Hardware (nn) - Turns OFF Button Off - allowing you to control the ON Button at the top of the hour, because you can't turn the ON button ON, if the OFF button is still on
Does this make any sense at all?
Basically the Air 2000 is a pig to wire when you want to control the channel.
David Boulton Brand Manager Broadcast Radio Ltd