pop out seque editor

pop out seque editor

Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 87, Visits: 415
Hi, I must be missing something really basic but I can only get the seque edit to open as the basic 2 channels.  In the manual it shows a button to open the pop out editor but I haven't got that button?
Also is it possible to change a link to a voicetrack other than having to do each one individually in the log screen?
David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K
hmburg - Friday, February 23, 2018 3:46:57 PM
Hi, I must be missing something really basic but I can only get the seque edit to open as the basic 2 channels.  In the manual it shows a button to open the pop out editor but I haven't got that button?
Also is it possible to change a link to a voicetrack other than having to do each one individually in the log screen?

if you convert a log item to a "Voice Link" (right click menu), then you should see it as a 3 line segue editor, this is also the case for any audio marked as a "sweeper" with the yellow plus as the end type. You can change the ending bechaviour by right clicking on the icon in the log.


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd

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