Hi WW, there are different ways to NORMALISE audio within Myriad v4 - there is Peak Normalisation and RMS Normalisation, I won't go into the differences here, have a look at the following Wikipedia information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_normalization You can set the circumstances where Myriad uses the normalisation (typically on the Import Wizard), but it can also be used on Voice Links and Recording directly into carts. Goto: Settings>Audio Setup>Audiowall Settings (Global)>Import/CD and the bottom Section will allow you to make the changes - WARNING These will change all Myriad Terminals and Users settings. Goto: Settings>Station Database Settings>Hooks/Seg>Segue Editor/Voice Link Settings - Specifically for Voice Tracking. In your circumstance, it would probably be wise to open up the audio within SmoothEdit and perform the action on each file. Use the down arrow next to the last icon on the right of the waveform display.
Regards David Boulton Brand Manager Broadcast Radio Ltd