Hi Leec123, I'm afraid we might need a lot more information about your particular setup. This however sounds like it's doing what it's meant to: Specialist Show Cart ------- Red Dot Jingle ------------------------------ Green Dot News In Jingle?? -------------- ?? Dot Hardware (IRN ON) Hour Start Absolute Time 00:02:00 Hardware (IRN OFF) Jingle (First Item in next hour?) ------- Green Dot In the above setup the specialist show will end, having cue'ed the next jingle - if you want to go straight into the news in, remove the jingle and the news in will be the next item when you press GO. If that is not the scenario, it maybe because of the power-saving on the HDD as suggested, or the particular soundcard being used is unable to have multiple streams sent to it.There might be data starvation, or a database locking error - these can be down to your network configuration or Anti-Virus being overzealous. I would suggest you contact support@broadcastradio.com where a support ticket can be raised and the team investigate further for you (subject to valid support contract or 1 off support incident charge).
Regards David Boulton Brand Manager Broadcast Radio Ltd