Is there any plan to allow more than 32 categories for both song and links ?
The reason I ask:
We have already used up 31 of our song categories and would like more
We have also used up all 32 of our link categories:
We are a community station that is allowed advertising and sponsorship and have 26 presenters with 30 shows, some do more than 1 show,
each show is gradually being sponsored and most sponsors have more than 1 sponsor tag that needs scheduling.
Each sponsor is using a link category to allow their sponsor tags to be scheduled.
with 30 shows and the rest of the normal links such as:
weather, news, travel, sweepers, jingles, community notices, etc, etc, etc, I have ran out of categories, this means that I have to schedule in each show clock the sponsor tags, which itself isn't a problem, the problem is making them into sweepers as they are not recognised in the clock as DRY, meaning every presenter has to right click and change to a sweeper.
Does anyone know of a way to help ?
will V4 of Myriad/Autotrak allow more than 32 categories ??
Paul Moore
HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075