Category vs Categories

Category vs Categories

Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 37
Hi there

Really new to this and I'm of an age I get easily confused . . . 

So I'm keeping things simple to start with I have created a couple of 'Categories' in AutoTrack.  I've imported some songs into the AudioWall in Playout.  In Playout I chose a now populated cart, right click and choose 'Edit Cart Audio and Details using SmoothEdit', Select 'Music' as 'Content Type' whereby 'Category' changes to 'Pop' for no apparent reason, click Save and then Close.

In AutoTrack I click 'New Song', type in the 'Cart No' of the Cart I just edited in Playout, select my own 'category', tick a Styles Tag I previously created and update the Release Year, then click OK and Close.

Return to the Playout AudioWall, right click the same cart and choose 'Edit Cart Audio and Details using SmoothEdit,' as before but now the 'Category', for no apparent reason is 'B-List'.

Should the Playout 'Category' reflect the AutoTrack 'Categories' i.e are they linked? If not can they be edited or what is the difference and why?

Or is my installation corrupted or something? Or is my brain addled?

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
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I don't click "new song" in Autotrak, I just use the cart browser in Autotrak to display the new songs on the audiowall,
then IMPORT them into the correct category that is in my database eg: 1960, 1970, xmas, etc etc

This is where I select what category for my database, I never bother with pop,rock, soul etc as the category/type of music as unless you use Autotrak pro,
there is no relevant use to it, do select the audio as song if it is a song though as this will then allow it to be autofaded
if required and of course put the end information on too, sustain etc.

you soon get the hang of it, but it does take a while

Good luck !

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 37
Hi Paul

Thanks for your quick response but I don't feel any the wiser.

My understanding is that to produce a 'log' of any consequence you need to create 'Categories' in AutoTrack (as opposed to 'Category' in Playout).  To aid my understanding I have created two, 'Currents' and ''Recurrents'.

I only have the month trial version and the ability to use the 'Era' function is not available (or I haven't discovered how to enable it), so I have used 'Styles' to create '60s', '70s' etc. My logic being that I might want to assign a 'Recurrent' from the '70s' at a particular time on my 'Clock'.

Yes, at this point in Autotrack with the music selected using the Audiowall Cart No, I am able to select the 'Category' from the drop down box, tick the 'Style' with the tick box in the 'More' tab, edit the 'Release Year' in the 'Release Year' text box and click OK.

On returning to the AudioWall in Playout and opening the same audio in SmoothEdit, in the top right corner there is a drop down box marked 'Category' as opposed to 'Categories' in AutoTrack) which now says the track is 'B-List'.

I would have expected to see the Category here that I created (Current or Recurrent) not 'B-List', in fact the drop down is populated with 'categories' that appear no where else that I can find.

Also, right click a cart in the AudioWall, click 'Cart Information', then click 'More Information' and the 'Item Details' dialog box is displayed which in the 'Library Information' section displays my Category details (Current or Recurrent)

I suppose my question is, why is there a Category assigned in SmoothEdit that is different and not associated with the Category assigned in Autotrack (apart from they are both called Category) is it something that is no longer required and needs to be removed in some future release or is there some other function for it that I haven't discovered yet?

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
The categroy section of the actual cart is a waste of time.
Ignore it, its pretty useless, stick with autotrak and your categories will appear on myriads database section.

but you need to click the option in autotrak, update playlist info.

then your myriad should update. Be careful not to use the pc while it updates though as this has been known to crash and cause problems !

Let the update finish before you even move the mouse !

good luck with the 30 day trial, it is an ongoing task to keep your system updated and with 30 days you will learn 1% of what needs to be known.
BUT, we are all here to help if you need us.

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

David Boulton
David Boulton
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the category on the Audiowal (in EditCart) is for InstantTrack, which is a simple scheduler designed for a couple of specific tasks- see this video:

AutoTrack, can either Import the category names from InstantTrack, or you can export your AutoTrack ones back to the Audiowall to keep them in sync.

AutoTrack is the much more advanced scheduler, and once you start working in it, you only need InstantTrack for those specific requirements, which are:

The ability to fill an underruning AutoFade Hour with a selection of categories that you decide upon (really important to keep the two schedulers in sync)
The ability to schedule an hour on the fly, if Myriad is in Automation and finds that it has reached the end of the log - your station wont go silent!

Hope this helps.


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 37
Thanks guys.  That got me through that problem - onto the next!

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