David Boulton (28/02/2013)
that's really interesting and helpful information thanks
I'm sure that when we officially give Windows 8 the nod, we will update the forum posts with the correct links.
I know it's quite soon after you got SQL installed, but how's it going otherwise?
Life is full of surprises!
I purchased Myriad and Autotrack in 2002 (v2.5) and over the years I have installed, uninstalled, upgraded, moved to new hardware and recovered form dead hardware.
I thought installing Myriad 4 was going to be the easy bit and the SQL was going to be the challenge.
Wrong again!!!
After finding the correct version of SQL I followed all the other instructions and it was smooth sailing!
Windows 8 and MS SQL Express 2008R2 (with SP1) all happy together, the rest should be a doddle I thought.....
I realise the problem that followed may have been my fault, I will try to explain what happened.
The plan was to install Myriad and Autotrack on the C: drive and have the audio and system files in the D: drive (common practice for keeping the crown jewels away from the opperating system as you all know)
Not knowing how the SQLServer was going to work, I started by moving the
\\Psquared\Audiowall folder from the old Myriad v3.6 machine to the D: Drive on the new machine.
Installed Myriad v4 with no problem and configured it in the usual way. A quick look on the cart wall to check the audio was ok, Happy Days!
Installed Autotrack v4 with no problem and configured in the usual way, tried, tried and tried again to import the old .mdb file no joy
DATABASEv3-v40 already exists was the error message
After several failed attempts I concluded that I was as much use as Stevie Wonder taking Ray Charles to the movies!
So to blind leading the blind, I tracked the location of the offending DATABASEv3-v40 and renamed it ( I can hear tech support laughing )
This commedy went on for hours, I can only guess that did someting wrong when installing Myriad because I did not create the DATABASEv3-v40 yet it was there.
System restore to before SQL.
Reinstalled SQL ok, this time I installed Autotrack first, pointed Autotrack to the D: drive, imported the v3 .mdb with no problems
Installed Myriad last.
And relax.....
So a week after the install and no crashes yet