Editing Hook/Intro/Outro in external metadata editor

Editing Hook/Intro/Outro in external metadata editor

Cal McLean
Cal McLean
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 9
Hi there,

Bit of a cheeky one, I'm just wondering if it's possible to edit the timing information (specifically, the Hook, Intro, Outro and End Type) in a audio/metadata editor outside of SmoothEdit, for carts in Myriad v3.6? I believe that the timing info is stored in the Bit of a cheeky one, I'm just wondering if it's possible to edit the timing information (specifically, the Hook, Intro, Outro and End Type) in a audio/metadata editor outside of SmoothEdit, for carts in Myriad v3.6? I believe that the timing info is stored in the .lst files, which seem to have an interesting encoding applied.

The situation is, we're updating our database fairly significantly, and rather than tie up our studios, it would be handy if we could use another tool to edit the timing information offline so a team of us could all work separately at the same time.


Cal McLean
Halton Community Radio

Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
Forum Sage
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K
Hi Cal,

I can't think of an easy way to do this directly with the Myriad tools, but there may well be someone out there who has built something cheeky Smile

It's probably worth asking the same question over on the Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Myriad5/ - although originally for v5, there is no problem at all with asking for assistance with older versions too

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

Bill Bailey: No win, no fee, no basis in reality. Just a room above a minicab office in Acton and a steady stream of greedy simpletons whose delusion is only matched by their clumsiness

Cal McLean
Cal McLean
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)Forum Sage (1.3K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 9
Will do, cheers!

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 127, Visits: 620
You can alter the timings in the wave files in Adobe Audition - it reads and saves the cart chunk information and shows them as cue markers.

I did look into this many years ago, but Myriad only reads the cart chunk, and updates the cart lists under certain conditions. This was probably under Myriad v2 which didn't have smooth-edit built in so I was wanting to edit cue points in Audition after opening it from the 'external editor' button in Myriad - this I didn't worked for me as Myriad wouldn't re-read the cart chunk information for existing carts.

If you mass export your library using Myriad Manager or Autotrack, do the cue point editing in the wav files in Audition or another tool then re-import into Myriad would work. Or if you are feeling brave and very careful by editing the wavs in the Audiowall folder directly, then removing the cartXX.lst files and scroll through the audiowall to let myriad 'rediscover' the carts would probably work as a bit off a hack. The first method is the safest and the only that broadcast radio would be able to support you with. But either way ensure you have some back-ups of your data in case it all goes wrong!!

Try googling Charlie Davy software - he produces tools to manage and edit your music library - I've only played with some of his free tools in the past, so can't give any recommendations on suitability of any of his newer software so do your own research!

Myriad user since 1998, now custodian of dozens of Myriad,Autotrack, Powerlog and Scoop boxes of many different flavours.

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