Mixing between tracks

Mixing between tracks

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 16, Visits: 38
Hi there,

I was hoping you can help me.

Sometimes I have the situation when I want to finish a song and mix into the next before the first track finishes.
Can someone tell me the best way to do this - current I start the second track and stop the first one but then the second track comes on and then drops in volume Sad

If someone can tell me the correct way to mix I would be grateful! - I am on air and on Live assist mode.



David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K
it depends on how the station have set the system up.
There are 3 different modes:
When Go is pressed, move onto the next item immediately and fade xx seconds from the previous item.
When Go is pressed, move onto the next item immediately and fade xx seconds from the previous item, OR if you press "Play" on the next item in the cart player, move onto that item in the log (for OCP Purposes) but the presenter is resonsible for fading the previous item..
When Go is pressed, move onto the next item immediately but the presenter is resonsible for fading the previous item..


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd
Liam Burke
Liam Burke
P Squared Employee
P Squared Employee (115K reputation)

Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 302, Visits: 608

What version are you running please?

Liam Burke - Broadcast Radio Ltd

Email: liamb@broadcastradio.com

Telephone: +44 1482 383700
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 16, Visits: 38
David Boulton - Monday, November 13, 2017 12:31:52 PM
it depends on how the station have set the system up.
There are 3 different modes:
When Go is pressed, move onto the next item immediately and fade xx seconds from the previous item.
When Go is pressed, move onto the next item immediately and fade xx seconds from the previous item, OR if you press "Play" on the next item in the cart player, move onto that item in the log (for OCP Purposes) but the presenter is resonsible for fading the previous item..
When Go is pressed, move onto the next item immediately but the presenter is resonsible for fading the previous item..

When I press GO - the previous item fades out - the next item plays for a little while and then fades completely out and then comes back on a like 3 seconds later
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)Forum Sage (6.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 16, Visits: 38
Liam Burke - Monday, November 13, 2017 2:36:09 PM

What version are you running please?

Liam Burke
Liam Burke
P Squared Employee
P Squared Employee (115K reputation)

Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 302, Visits: 608
Sounds like you have two or more cart players using the same sound device.

So when the first cart player lowers volume on out going cart, it affects all the cart players

There is an easy fix in v4. Just switch to the SMX version of the Sound card.

Go into audio setup and where you assign sound device to cart player, scroll down the list and you sound see an SMX version of the same device.

Switch to that and Myriad does the volume control in software so should fix it.

Liam Burke - Broadcast Radio Ltd

Email: liamb@broadcastradio.com

Telephone: +44 1482 383700

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