Rebuilding Myriad especially Playout

Rebuilding Myriad especially Playout

Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 31
We are running with Myriad 4 (Playout) clients and a common SQL machine.
I wish to rebuild the whole setup.
Partly to to help me understand how everything should be working, partly to refresh hardware, partly to tidy up the machines and partly to prepare for any failure in the SQL server or the Myriad client computers that we may encounter.
I come from a computer / IT / programming background and not a radio background.

I have had my first bash at this and ended up with Playout running but all I could see was the library.
I ran a report on recently played songs and this returned some reasonable results.
But I cannot see any populated carts.

I am currently trying to install Playout on the same machine as the SQL server.

Currently I start Playout and it tries to connect to the database (currently located on the same machine) and gives an error that it cannot create one because one already exists.
My basic approach was to install SQL Express, restore the 4 databases from the current SQL server, create an SQL account for Myriad.
Then I installed Playout but was originally logging into the database using a windows login (which was admin on the machine and in SQL).
My switch to trying to connecting to the database using the SQL Myriad account resulted in the current failure (I doubt I am using the same password for this version of Myriad SQL login as that on the current setup).

I have read quite a few of the documents on moving servers, installing Playout (and note suggestions to install Autotrack before Playout) but obviously have not got my head around what is going on and how things should be set up. I have a feeling that it is something to do with Myriad logins and profiles. I see within the existing Myriad directory a Directories (?) folder with login names and a small mdb file but I suspect these are left overs from V3 since I have read somewhere that these were moved into the main database in V4?

My next step is to remove the Myriad applications and the databases (but keep the SQL Myriad account) and re-install Playout against the empty SQL instance. Then restore the databases. It is not clear to me what (apart from Audio) I need to carry over from the existing pSquared\Myriad directory on the current SQL server. But I only wish to carry over the essentials since this is a tidying up exercise not just a get it working exercise.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Peter Sutton, IT Support at Takeover Radio (Leicester).

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