Autotrack "sum too low" issue

Autotrack "sum too low" issue

Forum Sage
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Posts: 1, Visits: 95

I'm getting a fair amount of unscheduled songs in ourAutotrack scheduling. I can see that the reason is, for the most part,that the "Total Sum" (of Energy, Tempo and so on) is too low or too high:

That would make sense - but the problem is I haven't defined any numbers in the "Required total sum over 3 songs" i any of the Characteristics: So as I see it, Autotrack should only consider the "Min/Max in row" and "Separation" - it shouldn't consider the Total Sum as there is no Total Sum required!

We do have Technical Support subscription, but Support suggests that the issue is a training issue rather than a technical issue.
I have looked trough settings, rules and the Autotrack manual extensively, but I have not been able to find out what is going on.

Anyone able to help me out? Thanks!

EDIT: I could just remove the "Song Characteristics Min/Max/Sum In A Row" rule from the Global Rules in order to resolve the Unscheduled Positions, but that doesn't really solve the problem, as I would like to actually use the "Song Characteristics Min/Max" rule.
8 Years Ago by EliasKrause

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