Missing Columns in library screen when inserting/replacing song

Missing Columns in library screen when inserting/replacing song

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)Forum Sage (75K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 184, Visits: 384
In my user login, I seem to have lost the category column in the library screen window that appears when yoou right click and then insert or replace a song.  I think I might have accidentally made the column so narrow it disappeared.  How do I get it back?  I am sure there must be a way somewhere of defiming which columns are in that window and/or resetting to default.  It's probably very simple.



David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio (239K reputation)

Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K
Hi Neil,

if you put your mouse on the grey column header, put it on the gaps you should see a different icon (other then the normal one) indicating that there are other fields that you can expand.


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd

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