Sound Levels on V4

Sound Levels on V4

Matthew Horton
Matthew Horton
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 33

We are in progress of our Myriad V4 upgrade from Myriad V2.6 and have noticed our sound levels are off the scale.
Is there a way that Myriad is amplifying the sound?
We have created a test tone in Adobe Audition CS3 and this seems to be normalising perfectly at -1db when played back in audition on our desk
As soon as we do an import into Myriad it goes off the scale, has anyone else found that Myriad is amplifying the audio?


David Boulton
David Boulton
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K
Hi Matthew,

There are Audio Normalisation settings in Global Audiowall Settings - audio that is imported from files could be normalised and therefore it is not the same level as recorded.

You'll also need to look in the "Audio Settings" menu and check out the way they are configured in there.

Have you changed PC's and Soundcards at the same time as the upgrade? This can have a dramatic effect on the audio levels.


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd
Matthew Horton
Matthew Horton
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 33
David Boulton - Friday, November 18, 2016 5:07:19 PM
Hi Matthew,

There are Audio Normalisation settings in Global Audiowall Settings - audio that is imported from files could be normalised and therefore it is not the same level as recorded.

You'll also need to look in the "Audio Settings" menu and check out the way they are configured in there.

Have you changed PC's and Soundcards at the same time as the upgrade? This can have a dramatic effect on the audio levels.

Hi David,

Thanks for that, I will have a look, yes as part of the upgrade we upgraded our pcs, Sound cards and OS


Radio BGM
Radio BGM
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 64
Audio Normalisation seems a little low as the default 63 % or even 100 % as some of the quieter files it has little or no effect having to raise these to 900  to make any real difference. This however seems a little harsh as it is a destructive process. As we have a mixed database of differing level carts it would be nice to get them all somewhere around the same level as we can't afford an optimod .
Before you ask the audio card is kicking out the correct level .
Also auto importer doesn't allow you to change the setting oin the override tab, I am guessing this has to be done in audiowall global, a bit confusing especially when Audio processor allows you to set your own value.
any one else come up against this problem. ?
V 4 2.6
Matthew Horton
Matthew Horton
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 33
we managed to solve the issue a week or so ago, a previous engineer had taken 1db out of our sound cards on our old system within the windows faders, when we replicated this on our new pcs we discovered the levels were in range.


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