Myriad Keyboards (Tipro K1000) Lose Power

Myriad Keyboards (Tipro K1000) Lose Power

Andrew Beasley
Andrew Beasley
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 45
Has anyone had any issues with the  Tipro K1000 keyboards randomly losing power? We currently have 15 Adder KVM's  and the only problems we have are with the Myriad keyboards.

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Hi Andrew, Yes we are always losing power from ours too, we put good quality powered usb hubs on them to boost them and it helps, but they still shut off every now and then
but no where near as much as before.

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Andrew Beasley
Andrew Beasley
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 45
Glad to know we are not the only ones Smile

Our presenters were starting to get a bit frustrated with this one. I have tried powered USB hubs but it made no difference.I have plugged the keyboard in to a USB extension cable so it makes it a little easier to disconnect and reconnect.

How often does it happen to you???

It would be interesting to know if anyone has come up with a fix for this......

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Sometimes it happens every couple of hours and then it doesn't happen for days, we found a decent priced powered usb hub does really help!

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075


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