Myriad V3.6.2 Extro markers not working even when set on some carts?

Myriad V3.6.2 Extro markers not working even when set on some carts?

Anorak Jim
Anorak Jim
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 24, Visits: 38
We are using Myriad V3.6.2 and have noticed on some carts that where an Extro marker is set the program seems to ignore it and lets the cart play right to the end of the audio leaving annoying gaps of silence before playing the next cart. This is only happening on a few carts not all, they are the same WAV format and bit-rate as everything else on the audio-wall but is very confusing. I have checked and double checked the effected carts and can see the Extro markers are set and can be seen in smooth edit even the cart is set to end on the end type tag.

Even deleting the cart and re-importing the audio and setting the markers again doesn't help and the same thing happens where it ignores the Extro marker and play right to the end of the cart before firing off the next.

This happens when in live assist and auto fade and run to time hours, Has anyone had this problem as its confusing me. Any help with this would be appropriated - Thanks.

David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K
Hi Jim,

my first thought is that it is something to do with the Soundcard and the fact that it might be unable to start the second audio stream until the first one has finished.

In the days of Echo Soundcards (darla, gina, mia) there used to be a setting called "Sync Wave Devices" - this needs to be unticked.


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd

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