Saving a hard copy os the schedules

Saving a hard copy os the schedules

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Is there any way I can save to print or read on another pc a copy of our past schedules ?

Ofcom have asked as part of their monitoring survey for 3 days of audio along with 3 days of playlists.

I can view the schedules in Autotrack, but don't see an option to save as ?

can any one help ?

Perhaps it's in Myriad Manager which we never use ?

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 127, Visits: 620
Sounds like you want to do a 'cart play report' in Myriad Manager - assuming you want what was actually broadcast, rather than just what was scheduled. Can't recall if you can save this information - but you can definitely print it out.

Myriad user since 1998, now custodian of dozens of Myriad,Autotrack, Powerlog and Scoop boxes of many different flavours.
12 Years Ago by philedmonds
Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Thanks Phil, I will try this, we don't have a printer connected to the studio network anyway, so I'm hoping this can be saved as a read file !
I'll let you all know ;-)

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)Forum Sage (54K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 127, Visits: 620
No printer, in which case is your friend.


Myriad user since 1998, now custodian of dozens of Myriad,Autotrack, Powerlog and Scoop boxes of many different flavours.
Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)Forum Sage (321K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Thanks, Managed to save a copy as a doc file which Ofcom can read !!

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075


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