Song Links in Q-NXT

Song Links in Q-NXT

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)Forum Sage (7.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 13, Visits: 73
Hi all, I have an age old problem I am still trying to fix between the Audiowall and Autotrack.  Running Myriad v3 and Autotrack v3 (not pro) and I am hoping that one of you supreme Myriad experts on here can help me solve the problem.

If I drag music from the audiowall into Q-NXT it puts the cart into Q-NXT as music (which is fine) but opening Autotrack I find that anything it pushes to the playout is listed as a link (as in unable to identify what is music and what isn't) so see's everything in the database as a link.

I have checked that Autotrack is pointing to the correct database (which it is) I have also tried using the Myriad Audiwall update utility and updating everything in Autotrack from the Audiowall which still hasn't solved the problem.  Autotrack can also see the Audiowall because the Autotrack PC is in our production office which will play from the audiowall and the Myriad PC is in the Studio which has the Audio on it's drive.

Having spoken to a friend who also uses v3 Myriad and Autotrack he is under the impression that there is a tickbox in Myriad that needs either ticking or unticking but he isn't sure. Can anybody help, I would love to get this sorted once and for all as I am currently having to set up seperate clocks with specific cart numbers I know contain music  during automation in between live shows.


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