Myriad fading songs early

Myriad fading songs early

Will Trueman
Will Trueman
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 23, Visits: 158
Hi All,

We had a strange problem with Myriad earlier in the week;

During the 6am hour, Myriad faded between 10 and 50 seconds off every song that it could, which caused the hour to run short of the time marker, the music finished playing at around 6:40am, it then sat and waited for the time marker for the news, the news played and it then locked everything in the next hour and refused to play anything.

I check AutoTrack and there was more than enough music in the hour to get to 7am, I have also checked everything else I can think of and nothing seems to explain why it did this. It hasnt happend again as far as I know, but we want to try and identify what may have caused this to happen.

Has anyone come across this behaviour before in 3.6.6?


Will :-)

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