Advantech IO cards

Advantech IO cards

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)Forum Sage (1.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 8
I've been doing some development recently using Advantech's ADAM Ethernet IO modules for Industrial Control, and was wondering whether there was any likelyhood for Psquared supporting either the Ethernet ADAM IO modules for Myriad, as these are very compact, could be easily located near to a Mixing Desk, and are universally compatible with networked systems; or indeed the PCIe IO modules eg. 1730 for Myriad, as USB[2, not 3] and PCI are becoming less common in new computer systems. The Advantech products are indeed very reliable, and I'm sure that the interfaces to Myriad could fairly easily be adapted. If you were to need someone with some Modbus and Sockets programming experience to create an interface for the ADAM Ethernet modules, I'm sure I could find some spare time to put something together!
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)Forum Sage (9.5K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 26, Visits: 813

  In version 4 of Myriad you can send TCP/IP with a port and a string like this...I did this to talk to an Audionics IP box....I am not sure if Myriad will read back from the GPIO ip box i.e start buttons

This is the string I sent to turn a relay on or a opto in hex


Im sure the Myriad tech boys will be able to help on the reading of a hex or decimal string or maybe its on its way

Hope that helps...


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