Updating Songs

Updating Songs

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 33, Visits: 144
I've mass-imported all the music carts from Myriad into AT as Songs. Now, if any of them change in Myriad (or get deleted), is there any way (apart from searching for each one individually) of updating the information in AT?


Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Get into the habit of deleting from Auto Trak and not from Myriad,
do it this way and you won't corrupt your database like others have,
I think theres a post on here at the moment from someone who now has to go through
the entire audiowall to check....I would ensure that no one has access to delete from your audiowall
do it via AT everytime.

you'll thank us in the long term.

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 33, Visits: 144
Nice tip - many thanks. I'll make this change immediately.
I was also thinking about carts that have changed, e.g. title or artist change or Intro/Extro changes...but thinking about it, this probably only really matters to Myriad and not to AT.


Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
EVERY Cart you change in Myriad, needs re-reading in autotrak, this will then amend any spelling changes,
it will also change and update 1 very important thing, the end type.

If you dont update this, you will have no end types showing and then myriad will fade out end or sustain songs which will sound naff. !

You will get the hang of it ;-)

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Forum Sage
Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)Forum Sage (15K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 33, Visits: 144
I've just found the "Myriad Audiowall Update Utility" which should do the trick.

We're starting to get the hang of it - I'm actually enjoying installing, configuring it and learning it all.


Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)Forum Sage (316K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Be careful with the audiowall update utility, you can do it backwards too.....

Ideal if youre starting out, but re-reading everycart is the best way 1 by 1, then you'll have a perfect database.

Keep us updated and ask as many questions as you like !

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075


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