Advert and News Assignment within the Clock

Advert and News Assignment within the Clock

Usman Ul-Hassan
Usman Ul-Hassan
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 37
Hi Guys,

I was wondering in what sequence would i assign my adverts and my IRN news within the clock? i understand that an abs time go before the advert break and the ad break takes only one line within the clock? (using Broadnet here).

Which reminds me, anyone using broadnet may be able to help if my broadnet times are set to the exact minute and my abs times are set to the same minute for example AT=15:00:00 mins past the hour Bnet= 15:00:00 mins past the hour would Broadnet automatically fill the space made by AT for the adverts (no matter how many) in the correct time?

Also moving on to the IRN news (im sure this runs in the same sequence across the board) how would i apply this to my clock, would i need to use anything else apart from abs times running to and from the news before and after?

Last but not least is there a way of syncing AT/Myriad's time with real time because whenever i send over the music logs it seems out of sync, or is that why that abs time option is there???
Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
Forum Sage
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K

You're pretty close already. A couple of notes though:

You only need Absolute Times if you want Myriad to either wait for a certain time (i.e. for 3 minutes for the live news to finish) or if you want an Auto-Fade hour to be timed to that position - for example if you had to hit precisely 15:30:00 for a live travel bulletin.

(A common misconception is that you have to have an Ab.Time at the end of an hour for Auto-Fade to work. You don't need one because Myriad treats the HourStart for the next hour in the same way and 'Runs to time' to that hour start. The exception is if you wanted to run to time to say 1 second before (i.e. XX:59:59.00) to allow a relay box to open a news feed in time)

To get your Music logs and your broadnet logs to 'line up' you just need to make sure that the Reference Time is the same in both - i.e. if it says 15:20:00 in Broadnet, you MUST make sure you put 15:20:00 in the ad break Reference time field. Otherwise the Log Importer won't know where to put each break it imports. Note that you don't have to put the Hour in the Clock in AutoTrack though - just the minutes and seconds - i.e. XX:20:00 means "20 past the current hour" and therefore you can use the same clock in lots of different Hours throughout the day.

You're correct, you just need to put a single clock line of AdBreak - this single line is replaced by new lines for each advert in that break.

How you design your IRN news setup in your Clocks will depend on quite a few different things like what feed you are taking (Astra or the other satelite) and how you are controlling the news coming in. There are quite a few other threads here in this forum though with lots of really good advice from several stations on how they do it - just search for IRN or Sky News.

Usually it consists of an AbTime set to 3 minutes at the top of the clock (to wait while the news is played out), then a hardware entry to "turn off" your IRN switcher. Then at the bottom of the clock your news in jingle, followed by a hardware line to turn your IRN switcher on, then an AbTime set to XX:59:59.50 to tell Myriad to make sure all that has happened "by 59:59.50 past the hour"

Finally you will need to make sure the hour is set to AutoMation and tick the RunToTime box to make Myriad run all the audio to time correctly.

Hope that helps

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

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Usman Ul-Hassan
Usman Ul-Hassan
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)Forum Sage (1.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 37
Thanks Peter,

That's cleared up some misconception.


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