OCP & Show Description

OCP & Show Description

Will Trueman
Will Trueman
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 23, Visits: 158
Hi All,

I want to be able to display a short(ish) description of the current show, OCP can send the ShowReference and ShowTitle, but neither of these fields have enough characters in them to be useful. Is there a way of pulling such data from Myriad/AutoTrack?

I have had a look and haven't been able to find a way to do this.

I could use a PHP script, but that means more work when schedules change, I would rather be able to take the data from Myriad.

Any thoughts?


Will :-)
Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
Forum Sage
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K
Not directly I'm afraid - you would need to do something client/server side with scripting - though you could use the OCP ShowReference in an iframe tag to load a page called <ShowReference>.htm into a frame ?  That way you can have much more information as you like per page?

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

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