Song in more than one category?

Song in more than one category?

Andy Linton
Andy Linton
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 55, Visits: 434
Guys can you tell me please if, and how, I can put a song in more than one category?


Andrew Burns
Andrew Burns
Support Engineer, P Squared Ltd.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 82, Visits: 466
Hi Andy,

In AutoTrack you can only have one Category set per Song Card, but you can create 2 Cards for the same Cart in Myriad.  This in not our recommended way of scheduling, as yuo can then end up with out of date Cards and this can cause problems if you do not remove them from the database or move their reference when you delete of move the Cart.

Depending on why you are looking at putting a song in twice, it may be that using the Types or Styles allows you to use the song with only one entry in the database.

In Myriad 3.5 you can set the Category on a song in the Edit Cart screen, but the only way to have this in more that one category is to have 2 copies of the audio on the wall.


Andy Linton
Andy Linton
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 55, Visits: 434
Well the application is that I want to be able to schedule three Pink Floyd (for example) tracks at a specific time.

So I thought of creating a Pink Floyd category.

I could use Types and schedule those positions by type 'Pink' but I've already got Pink Floyd with a 'type' entry for other uses, and I don't want to lose that.


David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K

do you want 3 specific Pink Floyd songs?? i.e "when you hear these 3 songs in this order call us and win a Billion Euros!"

If so, inside the clock design window, if you show the tree view, you can dial down into each category, and drag specific songs into the clock. This way you are forcing the items in, and they will ignore your Artist sep rules, etc.


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd
Andy Linton
Andy Linton
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 55, Visits: 434
No, ANY Pink Floyd songs.

David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K

I'm sorry this is not possible at the minute, without having a seperate "Pink Floyd" category (as suggested earlier), and reducing the restrictions (in the Station rules) on that category.

We are hoping that a future update to Autotrack, will allow you to force Artist Groups or Collections into the clock, but we are still working out how to present you with the information about your current Artist seperation rules / guides - how should it flag up if you are going to break them? Should it just override them as you are forcing it into the clock etc.

Lots of things to think about, so any suggestions greatfully received.


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd

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