smooth edit error message

smooth edit error message

Paul Johnston
Paul Johnston
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)Forum Sage (5.1K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10, Visits: 31

We have started getting the following smoothedit error message on our studio two PC which we use for production:

smoothplay: invalid wave out device number specified: 6 max = 2

What happens is that the carts won't play through the mixer, or when you try dragging them into the cart boxes nothing happens.

We have tried rebooting a few times but it has made no difference. I have also noticed that in the card settings, cart one and two are mapped to the realtek HD audio card but cart three says 'realtek HD card 2nd' and cart four says 'microsoft sound mapper'. Should they all be direct towards the same type of card?  

The only change to the system we have made recently is to set up cool edit as an alternative editor in the settings.

Any ideas?


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