Using Remote Voice Tracking v3.0 with a v3.5 Station Database

Using Remote Voice Tracking v3.0 with a v3.5 Station Database

Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
Forum Sage
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K
If you are using Remote Voice Tracking (RVT) v3.0.x and Remote Edit Server (RES) v3.0.x and you attempt to open a Station Database created by Myriad v3.5 then you will recieve a message telling you that "This database has not been configured by an administrator yet"

To resolve this issue, open the Remote Edit Server software and click the Settings menu then Station Database Settings. Select the Database you are trying to use and then Click OK on the Settings Window that opens.

This adds in certain v3.0 specific settings that are not used in v3.5.

Your users will then be able to use that database in RVT.

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

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