Local or On Air control of OCP with Myriad v3.5

Local or On Air control of OCP with Myriad v3.5

Andrew Burns
Andrew Burns
Support Engineer, P Squared Ltd.
Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)Support Engineer,  P Squared Ltd. (38K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 82, Visits: 466
Myriad v3.5 now includes 2 sperate ways of controlling the OCP software to update your website, so which should you use?

Firstly, before you will be able to use OCP with your Myriad v3.5 software you will need to ensure that you have OCP v2.6.42 or higher installed.

The traditional On Air control mechanism that was used in version 2.6 and 3.0 of Myriad is still there and is best suited for stations that have 2 or more Myriad machines that could be used on air and need to control OCP.  The details for how to control OCP are stored in the Station Log Database and so are available to all Myriad machines.  Using this version of control allows the user to set the machine they need want to use On Air within Myriad to take control of the OCP software.

The new method (called Local OCP) can be found in the Myriad Settings window and is designed to make life simpler for stations that only have one Myriad machine that will have control of OCP.  In this mode you set the details for controlling OCP on the Myriad machine, rather than the Station Log Database and do not need to worry about remembering to use the manual On Air control button in Myriad.

If you try to set up both of the control methods and point them at the same OCP input, then they may conflict and not work correctly.




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