Batch conversion with Cool 2000

Batch conversion with Cool 2000

Richard Payne
Richard Payne
Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd.
Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)Ex-Product Development Engineer of P Squared Ltd. (43K reputation)

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Posts: 123, Visits: 150
Batch conversion with Cool 2000

We recommend that you test this with 3 or 4 files the first time you run it, then play them in Myriad, just to make sure they still work after the batch process.

Open the first of the files to be converted.

Click on the \"Scripts for Automation\" button.

If \"Batch conversion\" is available in the left hand window pane then select it.
If not click \"Open/New Selection\" and open the \"batconv.scp\" file in the \"Scripts\" folder.

For IMA ADPCM Compression

Now \"Batch conversion\" should now be available to select. Skip the next section on Sample Rate Conversions.

For Sample Rate Conversion

Type a new Title (\"convert to 44k\" for example) in to the Title box of the New Script section to the right of the window. Click on the Record button that has just become enabled. Click on the Edit menu and select Convert Sample Type. This will open the Convert Sample Type window which allows you to select the target sample rate. Select 44100 for the Sample Rate, Stereo in Channels and 16 bit for Resolution (assuming you want 44k 16bit stereo), then click on OK. Click on the Scripts for Automation button and click on the Stop Current Script button. Finally click on the \"<<Add To Collection<<\" button. You can now select your new script in the Collections window on the left hand side.

For Normalisation To X%

Type a new Title (\"normalise to X%\" for example) in to the Title box of the New Script section to the right of the window. Click on the Record button that has just become enabled. Double click on the wave form to select the entire thing (the colours will invert). Next go to the Transform menu and select Amplitude and Amplify from the sub menu. On the Amplify screen, type in the Peak Level number that you want to normalise to (eg 90%) in the Calculate Normalization Values section (bottom left of window) and click on the Calculate button. Next click on the OK button to apply the calculated level of normalisation. Click on the Scripts for Automation button and click on the Stop Current Script button. Finally click on the <<Add To Collection<< button. You can now select your new script in the Collections window on the left hand side.

The rest of the process is the same for both Sample Rate Conversions and ADPCM Compression.

Make sure that \"Pause At Dialogs\" is unchecked.
Click \"Batch Run\" and the \"Batch Process\" window should open.
Click on \"Add Files\" to select all of the files to be converted, (You can use the <Shift> or <Ctrl> keys to highlight more than one file) and then click \"Add\".
Select the destination directory - this is often the same directory as the source so that the files are updated with the new versions rather than copied.
Choose \"ACM Waveform\" as the output format then click the \"Scan List\" button.
In the \"Format Options\" window pane you will now see a list of suitable audio formats that you can use. Choose the suitable one (typically 44100Hz, 16 bit, Stereo)
You should now be able to click the Change options button, which will bring up the \"Choose ACM Format\" window.
Choose \"IMA ADPCM\" from the format list ? it is very important that you do not choose \"Microsoft ADPCM\" as this does not work.
Click OK to go back to the Batch Process window
If your destination directory is the same as the directory that contains the original files, check that \"Disable Undo\" and \"Overwrite existing files\" are both checked.
Click \"Begin\" .... then go and make a cup of coffee...


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