Error message on PCI-1750 card

Error message on PCI-1750 card

Matt Wade
Matt Wade
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 297, Visits: 876
Hi All,

Our automation machine using the PCI-1750 card from advantech and it was working fine on myriad v2.6 but it would not load under v3 as everytime it tried to load up the hardware manager it said there was a communications issue and that the 'configuration data was lost'. We have driver 2.1.0 and I see there is a newer driver however having trouble installing this new driver. I did a bit of tweaking to try to get it working under v3 and then gave up only to find it didn't work under v2.6 anymore either with the same error message.

Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to sort this out?


Matt Wade
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Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 43, Visits: 152
I@ve got this issue too on one machine that was rebuilt recently - the configuration sort of works, but every time I try to change it it gives me this error message.  Currently I've got inputs that function but outputs are a no no

Any ideas?  Is it a driver thing?

Andrew Burns
Andrew Burns
Support Engineer, P Squared Ltd.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 82, Visits: 466
Hi all,

There are 2 parts to the installation of an Advantech card.  The driver itself and the Device Manager software that registers the card after Windows has installed the drivers.

Usually it is best to install the drivers first, then allow Windows to detect the hardware and update the driver in Windows Device Manager (it should be able to find this automatically if the driver has gone in correctly).  Once the device is in and recognised correctly by windows you can install the Advantech Device Manager.  If you open this up, you should be able to see the 1750 listed as a registered device.

If you are installing on Windows 7 you would be best to run this installation process while logged in as an administrator.  We have had problems running the installer as a user, even when elevating privileges or right clicking and running as Admin.

If this has all worked correctly and the device is recognised in the Advantech Device Manager, then it should be available for use in Myriad.



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