Automation and Playlists

Automation and Playlists

Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 10

I’m currently configuring Myriad to take over from our current automation software, but I’m stuck on a few things.

1. Is there a way of setting up playlists that run at the same time each week? We have a number of syndicated shows that in our current system have there own playlists, which are updated with the latest show each week, and triggered at the same time/day each week. Is this also possible in Myriad?

2. When an automated hour/playlist is due to start, can Myriad be configured to enter automation automatically.

Any help or video tutorials would be useful. The station’s keen to get up and running soon.

Thanks, Matt
David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K
Hi Matt,
yes you can, In Autotrack the music scheduling software, you would create clocks for the hours you need, typically you would then place fixed cart numbers into that design. Therefore each week the same clocks are scheduled, you just replace the audio in the carts with the new ones each week (this can also be done automatically with the Audiowall Auto-Importer software).
Again, if the clock is set to be Live / Auto  / AutoFade (v4) then the hour mode changes as it rolls over the top of the hour.
If the previous hour is live, then the human needs to press Log GO to move onto the next hour (assuming it is in a stopped position).

Have a look here:


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd

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