Suggest a style rather than a category

Suggest a style rather than a category

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Since we've starting adding styles to our database when we search on some categories using the suggest tab, we only see the songs with a style.
is there a setting to turn this feature off ? we really want to be able to choose from the category not the style of that category ?

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Any updates on this please ???

just to confirm, all our songs are in  categories: 50's 60's 70's 80's etc,
since moving to Autotrak Pro we have added song styles and types, now when you search via SUGGEST only, 
we get asked to suggest from the type and not the full category.

I have searched for a way to turn off search by type, but cannot find it !

Maybe this was the bug that was turned off when our Autotrak would not schedule a few months ago... Jonathan kindly helped us with that.

Can anyone assist at P Squared ?

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)Forum Sage (310K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 738, Visits: 4.1K
Just to BUMP and old topic as we have now upgraded to V4.0.23 and this issue is still there, Can we turn OFF the suggest by styles please ??

I do not have this feature turned ON in Autotrak, but cannot see a way to turn it off in Myriad itself.

since moving to Autotrak Pro we have added some song styles and types,
now when you search via SUGGEST only, we get asked to suggest from the type and not the full category.

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075


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