Advantech PCI1750 install problem

Advantech PCI1750 install problem

Forum Sage
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We have had to reinstall XP Pro and are struggling to get the Advantech PCI1750 driver installed. Microsoft device manager shows 'Multimedia Audio Controller' as not installed. I've installed the Advantech Device Manager first, then the PCI1750 driver but cant get that driver to install. Can anyone help?

Paul Moore
Paul Moore
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I had to install our drivers 3 times before it accepted it and ensure you are in admin mode or it looks like its installed but hasnt !!

Paul Moore

HitMix Radio
0792 858 1075

Forum Sage
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If you have the CD that the drivers are on, manually point this in the device manager -> update device driver. Don't run the auto install on the CD as I have found this didn't install the drivers correctly.

Also check the properties in Device Driver under unknown device and Google the PCI code, that way you'll be sure that it's the Advantec hardware that the system is trying to find.

Many thanks

Forum Sage
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bertster (9/14/2010)
Microsoft device manager shows 'Multimedia Audio Controller' as not installed.

This sounds like your motherboard on board sound interface (ensure it's turned off in the BIOS unless you actually need it on.)

The PCI1750 card should appear in the device manager under 'Adventech DA&C I/O cards' as a 'Advantech PCI1750S Device'. - Or it least it does as such on a XP box I've just checked. The PC was built by PSquared so didn't do the install myself - but from memory of rebuilding a Win2K box using the latest Adventech drivers downloaded from their website worked reasonably straighforwardly, though I seem to recall having to use their set-up utility to manually specfiy which model card you had installed, it's not totally plug and play.

Myriad user since 1998, now custodian of dozens of Myriad,Autotrack, Powerlog and Scoop boxes of many different flavours.
Craig Arthur
Craig Arthur
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Given how much hassle I had today getting the Advantech card working under windows 7 today thought I'd post links to the drivers that work (eventually)

Device Manager:


Craig Arthur

Engineering & IT Manager
Radio Royal, Royal 2 & Royal Gold.

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