Myriad v3.5.14 Beta Release

Myriad v3.5.14 Beta Release

Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
Forum Sage
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K
Hi All,

The Myriad v3.5.14 release is now available now from the Myriad v3.5 Support Pages -

By comparison to previous updates, this is a fairly mild update but does contain quite a few new features as well as a few bug fixes.

Most of the changes are more for technical users rather than general users - for example several new Macro Commands and Configurable Export Filename formats.

One big change is the operation of the Artist Lookup which now uses Wikipedia instead of a basic google search. You can alter this behaviour via the Global Audiowall Settings.

We strongly recommend that you have a read of the Update Information for full details.

Important: Please note the following:

If you are installing Myriad v3.5.14 on a computer that also has other v3.5 programs installed (such as Myriad Advert Manager or the Audiowall Auto-Importer then you must also upgrade these to the v3.5.14 versions - you cannot mix-and-match v3.5 programs on the same computer.

At present we do not have v3.5.14 releases of Myriad Monitor/Anywhere or Remote Voice Tracking/Edit Server. If you are currently using the v3.5.12 releases of these you should not install Myriad v3.5.14 on the same PC. We will release updated versions of these tools in the near future.

Windows 7 and Vista users may still need to manually install the CD ripping feature please see for more information.

To request access to evaluate this version (if you don't have it already) you will need to contact your sales account manager (either give them a call on 01482 350700 or email and they will be able to sort you out with the username and password as well as license details.

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

Bill Bailey: No win, no fee, no basis in reality. Just a room above a minicab office in Acton and a steady stream of greedy simpletons whose delusion is only matched by their clumsiness

Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)

Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K
Hi all,

We have just refreshed these installers to improve installation on Windows 7 (and Windows Vista)

There are no changes to the software itself, just to the installers, so there is no need to download this again if you have already deployed Myriad v3.5.14

The changes to the installers precreate various folders and other settings on 'clean' Windows 7 computers (i.e. those that have not had P Squared software installed on them before) to ensure that settings are set for all users, not just for the currently Logged on user.

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

Bill Bailey: No win, no fee, no basis in reality. Just a room above a minicab office in Acton and a steady stream of greedy simpletons whose delusion is only matched by their clumsiness

Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
Forum Sage
Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)Forum Sage (585K reputation)

Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K
Known Issue:

Some users may not be able to dynamically change Hour Mode when the log is running - i.e. you can't switch directly from Live to Auto-Fade.

Workaround: If you switch to standby first you can then switch to the desired mode.

This issue is now fixed and will be included in the next release (v3.5.15 or higher)

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

Bill Bailey: No win, no fee, no basis in reality. Just a room above a minicab office in Acton and a steady stream of greedy simpletons whose delusion is only matched by their clumsiness


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