Broadcast Radio Forums

Audiowall - report on missing audio

By Bruce1 - Friday, December 29, 2017 12:59:28 PM

We appear to have some issues with our audio wall - a number of carts are showing a little red cross in the top right. When you look at the underlying filesystem, the .inf file is there but the corresponding .wav is missing.

Not sure yet why this has happened.

Is there a way in Myriad Manager to run a report to identify carts where the audio is non-existent?


By David Boulton - Tuesday, January 2, 2018 5:43:33 PM

Hi Bruce,

yes, run an "Audio Report" in Myriad Manager, on the General tab, tick the option for "Only Show Carts With Timing Discrepancies, Or Have Not Been 'Seen' Before", DO NOT tick the box to automatically correct these items.
As for why they are missing, first suspect might be anti-virus! Check your exceptions or Quarantine to see if they have been flagged up - you should make sure these files are not included in any "on-demand" scanning.
Also check any backup software to see if it has incorrectly mirrored files that have been removed from elsewhere.