Broadcast Radio Forums

Myriad on the Web

By gnelmes - Tuesday, January 19, 2016 12:36:29 PM

I've had some great advice here so thanks for helping an innocent abroad! I wanted to make a database of Myriad music so that presenters can access this online. This I have managed to do but it will need updating every time there ae additions to the system.

My question is. Is it possible to have a version of Myriad online that access the main database but has only read access. Clearly it would have to be password protected. Has anyone attempted something like this. I would be grateful for any guidance. Thanks in advance,
By gnelmes - Thursday, January 21, 2016 1:27:39 PM

Hi Thanks for the reply.

What we want to achieved is for presenters to see what tracks are on the system from home. i.e. search the audiowall.  This to overcome the problem of finding the track you want is not in the library.

Any advice would be appreciated.