Broadcast Radio Forums

Basics of Execute Commands

By SamTulipRadio - Thursday, September 10, 2015 12:26:28 PM

Hi there, I'm looking for a bit of advice on using the execute commands within Myriad v3. I understand the concept, and how the commands are written, but I feel like there's something major I'm missing as I can't see them working.

I created a command that would hopefully switch the Log mode from Auto to Live, then assigned that command to an upcoming cart to test. I tried:

Neither of these gave me any results. I used each of them separately, there was only one command being used at a time. 

Could anybody give me any pointers for using these commands?

By SamTulipRadio - Thursday, September 10, 2015 7:33:31 PM

The previous cart was a voice link, about 20 odd seconds if memory serves. 

I'll try out some other commands and see if I get any joy.

Thanks for all your help.
