Broadcast Radio Forums

Myriad playout 4 and Windows 7 64/32bit

By Frode - Saturday, April 4, 2015 11:49:10 AM


Tryed to install Myriad playout 4 on a windows 7 64bit system and encounted some problems as it freezes up on start when trying to start.
I got back to 32 bit as 64 bit did not work for me on this computer. Intel I5 dual core with 12 gb ram and soundcard internal and this works fine with 32 bit.

However reinstalling windows 7 some times to get it working probably locked my License for the studio user, this problem is allso on the Auto-Importer Standard.

At this point Myriad playout 4 (Admin user) is working but Auto-Importer is not so its hard to massimport music over 30 minutes.

Kind regards,

Frode Stian