Broadcast Radio Forums

Seque Editor and Record levels very quiet

By PeteAppleyard - Saturday, January 31, 2015 2:04:39 PM

Hi everyone,

Having a bit of a problem and I can't seem to work out why...

Whenever we voice track, or record in to a cart using the right click > 'record in to this cart' option, It seems like our levels are extremely low.

The waveform levels look fine (around 80%) but the volume that plays out is much quieter than the songs and imaging, which are all normalised to 63%.  When the cart or voice link plays out, the volume sliders on the cart players don't change.

I've looked in the station database settings at the option 'after voice link...normalise to' and that is turned on and set to 80%

Any help would be gratefully received.

All the best,

By David Boulton - Monday, February 2, 2015 9:58:24 AM

does this just effect 1 PC or is the recording level the same on other PC's in your network?
If after normalisation the audio still seems to be low, you need to look thru the audio file to see if there are any pops or clicks that will be used as the peak in the file for the normalise level.
If you try recording the audio without the final normalisation, is the audio even lower or the same?