Broadcast Radio Forums

ISRC website

By neilogden - Wednesday, January 14, 2015 10:54:34 PM

Just before Christmas, I clicked on the button to get the ISRC number for a track and got the message the site was down for maintenance.  Now I just get webpage unavailable.  Has it moved?  If so what's the new URL and how do I change it in Autotrack so that it will load?  If it hasn't moved, any ideas why I now get webpage unavailable?



By Peter Jarrett - Friday, July 24, 2015 2:25:29 PM

Hi Neil,

Unfortunately the way that PPL now do their repertoire search means we can't do a direct search into it as we used to, nor is there anyway to update AutoTrack to match their new way either. You can change the location that we go to though, so if you find a suitable alternative you can update your Global Audiowall settings to the new url - it's in Global AudioWall Settings>Titles/Web>Internet Sites.

The Chart Info URL can be changed to<ARTIST> which should work for that search.