Broadcast Radio Forums

Myriad sends song info to OCP multiple times

By GavinD - Monday, February 3, 2014 8:17:50 AM

Something strange has recently started happening with Myriad.

When running normally Myriad quite happily sends the current song information to OCP which then updates our website with the current song and the last five songs played.

Recently we have found that when someone is using Myriad to change log items in forthcoming shows or when running in LiveAssit mode, Myriad sends the current song information 2 or 3 times. The result of this is that our website then displays the same song multiple times in the “Last played” list.

Any suggestions?
By Peter Jarrett - Monday, February 3, 2014 9:29:28 AM

Hi Gavin,

This is by design - when you alter the log Myriad sends an update to OCP just incase any of the things you have altered are included in the information that OCP is updating.

The best thing to do is to mod your website script to ignore any sends that are equal to the last one - that way it will only update on a change, not on each update.