By GavinD - Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:51:05 AM
Our station is listed on TuneIn and I have received the necessary credential from them to allow the track information to be sent to them via their API. The Station ID, PartnerID and Partner Key have all been entered correctly and I don't get any errors so everything appears to be setup correctly but the track information is not displayed on the TuneIn apps. I have sent screenshots of the OCP configuration to TuneIn and they have confirmed that they are correct. OCP is working correctly as it is sending trackinformation to the ShoutCast Server and our studio clock so I'm not sure whatelse I can try. Any suggestions? Cheers Gavin
By GavinD - Wednesday, November 27, 2013 1:05:21 PM
Looks like the ? at the end of the /Playing.ashx and & in front off the partnerID did the trick.
A point to note....The TuneIn website updates almost straight away. I was checking it on the TuneIn app on my phone which still isn't working but I guess this is a TuneIn problem and will eventually catch up.