Broadcast Radio Forums


By glenmitch - Wednesday, May 2, 2012 6:31:45 PM

In each song you currently have the ability to create restrictions. You can also save common patterns ie No Drives or No Breakfast etc.

I would like to be able to search for songs that have a particular daypart restriction i.e OVERNIGHT ONLY or NO DRIVES.

Could this support be added to ATP to aloow seach by saved daypart types.

I would also love the ability to mass change songs dayparts by selecting the new daypart from a list.

This is quite an essential feature lacking in ATP.
By philedmonds - Sunday, May 6, 2012 11:19:20 AM

I achieve a similar restriction at one station using song types, where I have rules set up that in certain shows only songs marked as being part of a particular 'type' can be scheduled. By using song types I can search for these in reports etc.

Easiest example to give is I have a 'Christmas' category with a mixture of old and new Christmas music. In a slot which plays only 'vintage' songs I schedule from this category but the system can only select from tracks which have been marked as 'vintage' type. (it also works with other song categories outside of Xmas - but this was the easiest to explain)

Setting up a 'party' song type and only allowing 'party friendly' song types to be scheduled in the relevant clocks might be a way to go in your example - you could also set-up energy / tempo or similar characteristics and enforce rules here to force ballads out, however I would go for the human selection of "does this fit my party show" when the song is added to the database, as there will be some slower songs that may still fit a 'party feel'.

EDIT - I've just noted that this thread is in the AT4 forum (curse of viewing via the 'recent posts' link) - so to clarify my set-up description is using Autotrack Pro v3.1 - but assume things are similar in AT4.