By Peter Jarrett - Friday, April 27, 2012 9:34:09 AM
Assuming that you have got your SQL Server installed and working correctly, then setting Myriad up to connect to it is pretty straightforward.
First thing is to make sure that you have rememberd to enable TCP/IP Connections on the SQL Server and that you have allowed it through the Windows Firewall if nescessary
Second thing is that most users will likely need to have the SQL Browser Service set to "Automatic" and also "Started" on the SQL Server - this is configured via the SQL Server Configuration Manager
Third thing is to make sure that you have added users to SQL's Logins page to allow the user to actually access the server. If you are running with Active Directory then the easiest way is usually to use Windows Authenticated Security and just add the appropriate AD User accounts to the Server and grant them SysAdmin rights (later on you can then reduce their permissions as nescessary). If you aren't running with an Active Directory then you will likely need to enable SQL Mixed Authentication and create individual user accounts on SQL and then put those credentials into the Connection String on the other PC.
For Windows Authentication you would normally use:
Data Source=MSSQL-SERVER\instancename;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;DataTypeCompatibility=80
For SQL Authentication you would likely use:
Data Source=MSSQL-SERVER\instancename;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;Persist Security Info=False;DataTypeCompatibility=80
Fourth, on the PC that ISN'T running SQL, you must make sure that you install the SQL Native Client for 2008R2 which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website at
Finally, you just need to give Myriad the correct connection string - the defaults are usually fine, all you need to do is replace the bit that says "MSSQL-Server\InstanceName" with the name of teh SQL Server that you want to connect to - not forgetting to add \SQLExpress if nescessary - for example "StationSQLServer" or "StationSQLServer\SQLExpress" as appropriate.