By Craig Arthur - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 8:25:24 AM
We've always used Echo cards, Mia in automation machines and Gina 24's in the studios and we've never had a problem with any of them which are all still running strong nearly 10 years down the line. Sadly the Gina isn't available any more and the 3G that replaced it only has 3 outputs.
Best card you can probably get Echo wise is the Layla, 4 stereo ins and 4 outs.
By paulmoore - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:06:48 AM
weve been using Delta 10/10's for 3 years now and only ever had software issues with updated drivers.
We got ours off ebay for a good price too, have you tried emailing m-audio explaining youve had 2 cards go faulty, they maybe able to help you.
By andyp - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:49:10 AM
We have 2 Delta 1010LT cards in the 2 studio PC's, never had any problem. One was new about 6 years ago (before we switched to Myriad) and the other purchased 2nd hand via ebay a couple of years ago. They work perfectly.
In our automation machine we have Edirol UA-101. These are discontinued but you can still get them. Their replacement the Octo-Capture is over £500 but not sure how that works with Myriad. Also, checked the spec of the Echo Layer 3G and it states it has 8 outputs (4 stereo).
Good luck - Andy
By glenfraser - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:58:26 PM
Delta 1010LT are ok in a nice tower. However if they are in a small case they get hot and the capactors dry out on the circuit board. You can go through one in about a year and half without good air flow.... I have a site were this is the case however in my big tower at home I have not had one go wrong in 8 years.
By glenfraser - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:58:58 PM
Delta 1010LT are ok in a nice tower. However if they are in a small case they get hot and the capactors dry out on the circuit board. You can go through one in about a year and half without good air flow.... I have a site were this is the case however in my big tower at home I have not had one go wrong in 8 years.
By paulmoore - Friday, April 13, 2012 8:48:02 AM
We have 4 delta 10/10 rack mounted for our main studios and have no problems whatsoever, I cannot speak for the lite version as we have always gone for rack mounted, the difference is cost was small and made sense to have them rack mounted.
By Greenham - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 6:57:28 AM
Hi. I've gone through my second delta 1010 sound card is as many years.. The sound gradually becomes all distorted until finally there a buzz on every channel.
Anyway. What would you recommend to be the best sound card to use with myriad? I need a reliable one that I can have faith in. Recommendations of what and where to buy please ASAP as studio one is currently down ! |
By philedmonds - Sunday, April 22, 2012 10:41:38 AM
I've heard of people having problems with the Power Supply units with the Delta 10/10 (which power the breakout box - which I think is where the balanced audio in/out circuitry is) - however I've got six or seven of these on the go at various places and not had any trouble myself (baring some fun driver issues when I put on in a Windows 7 box).
I'd try swapping PSU's around if you've got the chance to see if that makes any difference.