Broadcast Radio Forums

Global Settings don't seem to be working

By radioactive - Friday, October 14, 2011 3:53:05 PM

Hi there,

We have three instances of Myriad running in three separate rooms. We use two rooms for admin and one room is our live studio. I have set up certain privileges for our presenter's account via myriad manager. I.e. They can't write to the audio wall. When I load myriad on the same admin PC then the rules are applied. However on the live PC they still have privileges that I don't want them to have? Do I then have to open up Myriad Manager on the Live PC and set up all the same privileges? I hope this is making sense Smile


By paulmoore - Friday, October 14, 2011 11:16:42 PM

You may also want to check the users privilages in autotrak too, open the contact list from there and check,
we have noticed that myriad manager doesnt always talk to myriad as well as autotrak, infact the only time I ever use myriad manager is to
give someone access to RVT,, as myriad manager allows this but saldy autotrak doenst, even if the correct boxes are ticked.

I would opt for autotrak 99% of the time and good luck !!