Broadcast Radio Forums

song card new item issue ATP 3.1.49

By ads - Friday, June 17, 2011 5:29:03 PM


I noticed the other day that despite having ticked "saving a card with a different item number creates a new item" in Database Settings, it actually doesn't work. I went to create a new song card from an existing one, deleted the card number in the top left box, pressed the 'OK' button and it never once told me the warning. Not such a concern for me as i'm used to ATP but to our less knowledgable administrators it might catch them by surprise.

We're on version 3.1.49, I notice you have released 3.1.51 but checked the update notes and no sign of this issue in there. Will install the latest version as it sorts out the category importing issues which are now really annoying!

Seaside HR