Broadcast Radio Forums

Duplicate entries

By David Boulton - Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:39:33 PM

bernard (22/02/2011)
Actually, would it be useful to have a find duplicates function (rather than try doing it in Access) ?  Find duplicates in any category or find duplicates in a specified category

This might help when there are several people adding tunes to the audio wall and thus to Autotrack when sometimes they (I) don't check if they already exist on the system somewhere else

Just an idea, but as years go by and audio walls and databases get fuller, it's a bit needle and haystack but would help in some ways I think

But you already can BigGrin

Songs tab, search all songs, sort by title - this of course won't take into account miss-spelling of the title or artist. You can then mass change some of the duplicates into a "held" category, or mass delete them.

If you access the database directly through Microsoft Access, and delete some data, there is a potential that you could remove dritical data, and we might not be able to open the database in Autotrack (and then all your work is gone).

Also you can check out the Autotrack Information Browser (Songs Menu> Artist Names), here you can tidy up spellings and see which song cards are associated with which artists - you can also remove unused titles and names.
By Roger Woods - Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:40:03 AM


Found the feature David wrote about above the other day, when I finally had some time to play with Autotracks!

That's how I discovered all the duplicates we had on our system.

I have also used Myriad Manager to create a music report of the Audiowall and export that to a CSV file which I could then open in MS Excel, this gave me a total over view of the  Audiowall and again using MS Excel's sort feature was able to list by artist, title, etc.  

By paulmoore - Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:32:50 AM

Found something weird yesterday:
I'm current goign through the whole database re-reading every track and adding notes as I go along,
I've come across 4 duplicate carts so far, by dupclicate I mean excatly duplicate.
Cart 5064 and Cart 5064 both the same song, nope its not a miss print or a typo, I have 2 x 4 carts excatly the same !

Im going to copy the audio delete the cart, update,restart Autotrak and myraid and then reneter the audio, see if that cures it.
Not noticed this before but then havent been looking for it.

Anyone else spotted any duplicates ?
will keep you updated...