Broadcast Radio Forums

Audiowall Processor convertion problem !

By Nick - Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:59:05 PM

I have used the audiowall processor to convert from .wav to .wma 320k

The only problem is even though I have set the coverter up to this the wma files end up as mono 8k. I set the convertion from .wav to 256k .wma and then the audio is 12k mono.

I did try the .wav to .mp3 320k which did work fine but myriad wasn't 100% in all 5 studios as this wasn't recomended anyway. I have also tested this on a laptop to see if it was the server causing the fault but still the same thing happends.

The reason for the conversion is because its cheaper than splashing out on some big raid 2TB drives. I have phoned for help on this today but nobody called back to give me a solution. Can anyone Help !!!!

By Peter Jarrett - Monday, October 25, 2010 10:50:23 PM

Hi Nick,

This has been fixed in the new v3.5.16 beta so hopefully this will get you going.

As a caution though we may be issuing a "refresh" of this beta in the next day or so to fix a separate bug in the Processor so might be worth holding of for 48 hours just in case !