Broadcast Radio Forums

Wrongly Listed in the schedule

By paulmoore - Friday, April 23, 2010 6:17:25 AM

Not sure if the bug is in the old version of advert manager or where its getting its info from but here goes:

All our ads stay in a certain cartwall area, say 1000 - 1200, when an ad has run its course and will definetly not be used again, I go to advert manager and delete the advert and the cart from within advert manager, then I'll add a new advert into that cart and schedule it with advert manager, all looks fine until that certain advert appears in the schedule, Myriad displays the original adverts title !? and not its new title, it doesn't matter what I try to do to change this it still appears as the original advert title taken by this specific cart.

anyone help perhaps ? it can't be autotrak as this has nothing to do with advert listsings as they are not in a category ?
By paulmoore - Thursday, June 3, 2010 11:00:10 PM

Hope so !!